The Shortest Checkmate in Chess: The Fool's Mate
Chess Fundamentals #1: Undefended PiecesChess Fundamentals #1: Undefended PiecesIM John BartholomewbeginnerBasic Opening IdeasBasic Opening IdeasChessNetworkbeginnerBasic checkmates: king and rook vs kingBasic checkmates: king and rook vs kingMatoJelicbeginnerChess Fundamentals #2: CoordinationChess Fundamentals #2: CoordinationIM John BartholomewbeginnerLearn How to Play Chess in 10 MinutesLearn How to Play Chess in 10 MinutesChessNetworkbeginnerWinning the oppositionWinning the oppositionMatoJelicbeginnerKing and queen vs kingKing and queen vs kingMatoJelicbeginnerRook and King vs KingRook and King vs KingMatoJelicbeginnerChess Fundamentals #3: Typical MistakesChess Fundamentals #3: Typical MistakesIM John Bartholomewbeginner