Webinar « The Art of Defence in Chess » by GM Igor Smirnov
GM Igor SmirnovMiddlegameDefenceSmirnov, igorBrowne, walterKeres, paulGelfand, borisGrischuk, alexanderTal Memorial 2012 Round 4 Play of the Day: Carlsen - GrischukTal Memorial 2012 Round 4 Play of the Day: Carlsen - GrischukPowerPlayChessadvancedLearn the tacticsLearn the tacticsIM Valeri LilovbeginnerImprove your practical Play in the Middlegame | Analyzing User Games | IM Andrey OstrovskiyImprove your practical Play in the Middlegame | Analyzing User Games | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateChess Middlegame Practice #1Chess Middlegame Practice #1ChessNetworkintermediateChess Traps: Magnus Smith Trap (Sicilian Defence)Chess Traps: Magnus Smith Trap (Sicilian Defence)thechesswebsiteintermediateAmazing Game : Garry Kasparov : Boris Gelfand vs Garry Kasparov - Linares 1992 - King's IndianAmazing Game : Garry Kasparov : Boris Gelfand vs Garry Kasparov - Linares 1992 - King's IndiankingscrusherintermediateAn Unsolved* Mathematical Chess ProblemAn Unsolved* Mathematical Chess ProblemChessNetworkintermediateCalculation and Tactics #013 - Conquest vs Hennigan 4NCL 2007Calculation and Tactics #013 - Conquest vs Hennigan 4NCL 2007ChessexplainedintermediateMiddlegame Strategy #004 Pillsbury vs Marco Fight for the CentreMiddlegame Strategy #004 Pillsbury vs Marco Fight for the CentreChessexplainedadvanced