Learn How to Play Chess in 10 Minutes
Chess Fundamentals #1: Undefended PiecesChess Fundamentals #1: Undefended PiecesIM John BartholomewbeginnerBasic Opening IdeasBasic Opening IdeasChessNetworkbeginnerBasic checkmates: king and rook vs kingBasic checkmates: king and rook vs kingMatoJelicbeginnerChess Fundamentals #2: CoordinationChess Fundamentals #2: CoordinationIM John BartholomewbeginnerChess Fundamentals #3: Typical MistakesChess Fundamentals #3: Typical MistakesIM John BartholomewbeginnerWinning the oppositionWinning the oppositionMatoJelicbeginnerKing and queen vs kingKing and queen vs kingMatoJelicbeginnerRook and King vs KingRook and King vs KingMatoJelicbeginnerThe Shortest Checkmate in Chess: The Fool's MateThe Shortest Checkmate in Chess: The Fool's MateChessNetworkbeginner