Weak Squares | Part I | Chess Strategy | Chess Middlegame | IM Alex Astaneh
Weak Squares | Part II | Chess Strategy | Chess Middlegame | IM Alex AstanehWeak Squares | Part II | Chess Strategy | Chess Middlegame | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediateTypical Mating Patterns and Defenses against Checkmate | Attack & Defense | IM Andrey OstrovskiyTypical Mating Patterns and Defenses against Checkmate | Attack & Defense | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateA typical Pattern to create Weaknesses in the Opponent's Camp | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehA typical Pattern to create Weaknesses in the Opponent's Camp | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediateMake a Chess Plan #1Make a Chess Plan #1BlitzStreambeginnerHow to defend against common mating Patterns | Chess Fundamentals | IM Andrey OstrovskiyHow to defend against common mating Patterns | Chess Fundamentals | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateMost common Chess Tactics every Player needs to know | Attack & Defense | IM Andrey OstrovskiyMost common Chess Tactics every Player needs to know | Attack & Defense | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateExploiting pinned Pieces to get a Material Advantage | Attack & Defense | IM Andrey OstrovskiyExploiting pinned Pieces to get a Material Advantage | Attack & Defense | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateThe 5 biggest Mistakes that Beginners do | Chess for Beginners | IM Alex AstanehThe 5 biggest Mistakes that Beginners do | Chess for Beginners | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediateInteresting Sacrifice against the Advanced Central Pawns | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehInteresting Sacrifice against the Advanced Central Pawns | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediate