38 videos found
Endgame Basics and Theory #006 - Bishop and Pawn vs Bishop of same colorEndgame Basics and Theory #006 - Bishop and Pawn vs Bishop of same colorChessexplainedadvancedEndgameBishopPawnAdvancedChess puzzle: pawn promotionChess puzzle: pawn promotionMatoJelicintermediateEndgameTacticsPawnOpposite colored bishops endgame - 2 pawns vs. noneOpposite colored bishops endgame - 2 pawns vs. noneBlitzStreamintermediateEndgameBishopOpposite colorPawnPawn structureChess Puzzle: Mission impossibleChess Puzzle: Mission impossibleMatoJelicintermediateEndgameTacticsPawnEndgame Basics and Theory #005 Rook and Pawn vs Rook Pt 1Endgame Basics and Theory #005 Rook and Pawn vs Rook Pt 1ChessexplainedadvancedEndgameRookPawnAdvancedQueen versus passed pawn endgameQueen versus passed pawn endgameMatoJelicintermediateEndgameQueenPawnPassed pawnProtected passed pawnProtected passed pawnMatoJelicintermediateEndgamePawnPawn and King vs KingPawn and King vs KingMatoJelicbeginnerEndgameFundamentalsPawnBeginnerBasic Pawn endgames: the rule of the squareBasic Pawn endgames: the rule of the squareMatoJelicbeginnerEndgameFundamentalsPawnBeginnerLucena PositionLucena PositionMatoJelicintermediateEndgameLucena positionRookPawnOutside passed pawn: Krejcik vs TakasOutside passed pawn: Krejcik vs TakasMatoJelicintermediateEndgamePawnPassed pawnKrejcik, josefTakács, sándorChess Endgame: Opposition & Pawn PromotionChess Endgame: Opposition & Pawn PromotionChessNetworkintermediateEndgameOppositionPawnOutside passed pawn: B Fisher vs B LarsenOutside passed pawn: B Fisher vs B LarsenMatoJelicintermediateEndgameFundamentalsPawnFischer, bobbyLarsen, bent10 tips to quickly improve your rook endgames10 tips to quickly improve your rook endgamesBlitzStreambeginnerRookPawnKingEndgameBeginnerQueen and pawn vs queeenQueen and pawn vs queeenMatoJelicintermediateEndgameQueenPawnAmazing chess puzzle: pawn promotionAmazing chess puzzle: pawn promotionMatoJelicintermediateEndgameTacticsPawnRookEndgame Exploration #1: A tricky pawn endgameEndgame Exploration #1: A tricky pawn endgameIM John BartholomewadvancedEndgameRookPawnAdvancedImprove your endgame: three connected passed pawns vs rookImprove your endgame: three connected passed pawns vs rookMatoJelicintermediateEndgameRookPawnPassed