22 videos found
How to play with or against an isolated pawn #2 The Q+2R vs Q+2R endgameHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #2 The Q+2R vs Q+2R endgameBlitzStreamadvanced10 tips to quickly improve your rook endgames10 tips to quickly improve your rook endgamesBlitzStreambeginnerEndgame Basics and Theory #001 - Mate with Q,R,B+B and B+NEndgame Basics and Theory #001 - Mate with Q,R,B+B and B+NChessexplainedbeginnerChess Endgame: Queen + King vs Rook + King (Philidor)Chess Endgame: Queen + King vs Rook + King (Philidor)ChessNetworkintermediateChess Endgame: Rook vs BishopChess Endgame: Rook vs BishopChessNetworkintermediateChess Endgame: Lucena PositionChess Endgame: Lucena PositionChessNetworkintermediateEndgame Basics and Theory #005 Rook and Pawn vs Rook Pt 1Endgame Basics and Theory #005 Rook and Pawn vs Rook Pt 1ChessexplainedadvancedEndgame Basics and Theory #002 Rook vs Knight and Rook vs Bishop without pawnsEndgame Basics and Theory #002 Rook vs Knight and Rook vs Bishop without pawnsChessexplainedadvancedEndgame Basics and Theory #004 Queen vs Rook without pawnsEndgame Basics and Theory #004 Queen vs Rook without pawnsChessexplainedadvancedEndgame Exploration #1: A tricky pawn endgameEndgame Exploration #1: A tricky pawn endgameIM John BartholomewadvancedChess Endgame- King and RookChess Endgame- King and RookthechesswebsiteintermediateChess Endgame: How to Checkmate with a RookChess Endgame: How to Checkmate with a RookChessNetworkintermediateChess Basics- Rook OverviewChess Basics- Rook OverviewthechesswebsitebeginnerAmazing Game: Rook on the 7th rank! - Jose Raul Capablanca vs Savielly Tartakower - Dutch (A80)Amazing Game: Rook on the 7th rank! - Jose Raul Capablanca vs Savielly Tartakower - Dutch (A80)kingscrusherintermediateChess Endgame- Rook vs KnightChess Endgame- Rook vs KnightthechesswebsiteintermediateFocus on Piece Development when you are under Pressure | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehFocus on Piece Development when you are under Pressure | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediateWinning Maneuvers to promote Rook or Knight Pawns | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyWinning Maneuvers to promote Rook or Knight Pawns | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateThe Long Side/Short Side Principle in Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovThe Long Side/Short Side Principle in Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovChessfactorbeginner