Winning Maneuvers to promote Rook or Knight Pawns | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
Stop the Passed Pawn without falling into Stalemate | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyStop the Passed Pawn without falling into Stalemate | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateWinning Patterns against the outside Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyWinning Patterns against the outside Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateThe Long Side/Short Side Principle in Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovThe Long Side/Short Side Principle in Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovChessfactorbeginnerBest Ways to win Queen and Pawn vs Queen Endgames | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyBest Ways to win Queen and Pawn vs Queen Endgames | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateEndgame Basics and Theory #001 - Mate with Q,R,B+B and B+NEndgame Basics and Theory #001 - Mate with Q,R,B+B and B+NChessexplainedbeginnerLearn the Lucena Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovLearn the Lucena Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovChessfactorbeginnerLearn the Philidor Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovLearn the Philidor Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex IpatovChessfactorbeginnerHow to win the Endgame by blockading the Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyHow to win the Endgame by blockading the Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediate10 tips to quickly improve your rook endgames10 tips to quickly improve your rook endgamesBlitzStreambeginner