The Power of the Passed Pawn in Chess | Endgame Lesson | Beginner Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
How to stop the Passed Pawn | Queen vs Pawn Endgame | Intermediate Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy | 2DHow to stop the Passed Pawn | Queen vs Pawn Endgame | Intermediate Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy | 2DChessfactorintermediateThe Golden Opening and Endgame Rules | Chess Principles | Improver Level | IM Andrey OstrovskiyThe Golden Opening and Endgame Rules | Chess Principles | Improver Level | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorbeginnerStop the Passed Pawn without falling into Stalemate | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyStop the Passed Pawn without falling into Stalemate | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateImportant Endgame Principles and Techniques for Beginners | Beginner Level | IM Alex AstanehImportant Endgame Principles and Techniques for Beginners | Beginner Level | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorbeginnerThe best Strategies for Promotion Races | King & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyThe best Strategies for Promotion Races | King & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateIntroduction to Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures | Improver Level | IM Alex AstanehIntroduction to Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures | Improver Level | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorbeginnerThe most important Endgame Principles for Beginners | IM Andrey OstrovskiyThe most important Endgame Principles for Beginners | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorbeginnerWinning Patterns against the outside Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyWinning Patterns against the outside Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediateHow to win the Endgame by blockading the Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyHow to win the Endgame by blockading the Passed Pawn | Queen & Pawn Endgames | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorintermediate