34 videos found
How to play with or against an isolated pawn #2 The Q+2R vs Q+2R endgameHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #2 The Q+2R vs Q+2R endgameBlitzStreamadvancedHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #3 an easy example of the d4-d5 breakthroughHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #3 an easy example of the d4-d5 breakthroughBlitzStreamadvancedOpposite colored bishops endgame two connected pawns vs. noneOpposite colored bishops endgame two connected pawns vs. noneBlitzStreamintermediateYour games reviewed #003 Exploiting a superior pawn structure 1500 vs 1500Your games reviewed #003 Exploiting a superior pawn structure 1500 vs 1500ChessexplainedbeginnerMiddlegame Strategy #001 Spassky vs Averbakh Exploiting Pawn WeaknessesMiddlegame Strategy #001 Spassky vs Averbakh Exploiting Pawn WeaknessesChessexplainedadvancedTal Memorial 2013 Round 1 Carlsen vs KramnikTal Memorial 2013 Round 1 Carlsen vs KramnikPowerPlayChessintermediateOpposite colored bishops endgame - 2 pawns vs. noneOpposite colored bishops endgame - 2 pawns vs. noneBlitzStreamintermediateHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #1 The basicsHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #1 The basicsBlitzstreamadvancedMiddlegame Strategy #003 Petrosian vs Schweber Kings Indian Clamp StructureMiddlegame Strategy #003 Petrosian vs Schweber Kings Indian Clamp StructureChessexplainedadvanced"Chess Structures: A Grandmaster Guide" by GM Mauricio Flores Rios"Chess Structures: A Grandmaster Guide" by GM Mauricio Flores RiosIM John BartholomewadvancedWatch how a TOP Grandmaster describes a complex position!Watch how a TOP Grandmaster describes a complex position!GM Ivan SokolovadvancedTake Advantage then your Opponent has a bad Pawn Structure | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehTake Advantage then your Opponent has a bad Pawn Structure | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediateTactical Shot after damaging the Opponent’s Pawn Structure | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehTactical Shot after damaging the Opponent’s Pawn Structure | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediateHow to play Isolated Pawn Positions | Pawn Structures | Advanced Level | GM Alex LendermanHow to play Isolated Pawn Positions | Pawn Structures | Advanced Level | GM Alex LendermanChessfactoradvancedDon't miss this IQP Masterpiece | Karpov vs Kasparov | Intermediate Level | IM Alex AstanehDon't miss this IQP Masterpiece | Karpov vs Kasparov | Intermediate Level | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediateHow to play the Kings Indian Defense | KID Structure 1 - White | Advanced Level | GM Mauricio FloresHow to play the Kings Indian Defense | KID Structure 1 - White | Advanced Level | GM Mauricio FloresChessfactoradvancedHow to stop the Passed Pawn | Queen vs Pawn Endgame | Intermediate Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy | 2DHow to stop the Passed Pawn | Queen vs Pawn Endgame | Intermediate Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy | 2DChessfactorintermediateUnderstanding Pawn Levers - Strategic Planning | Chess Middlegame |Advanced Level |GM Alex LendermanUnderstanding Pawn Levers - Strategic Planning | Chess Middlegame |Advanced Level |GM Alex LendermanChessfactoradvanced